While some of us are deliberating plans for Labor Day weekend, three young gentry's from New York are currently up to their well-suited ankles in the dust, dirt and occasional landmine fields that lie between London and Mongolia. The team goes by the name "Renegade Pencils" and their mission is to cover some 10,000 miles of rugged terrain in a refurbished ambulance, turning a few heads along the way and raising money for Pencils for Promise, an organization which helps bring schools and education to many of the impoverished nations through which they'll be traveling. And in true Kipling form, Freemans Sporting Club has outfitted the team in their best whites, because no man should be stranded in the Khyber Pass without a sense of style, composure and well-tailored craftsmanship. And face it, white suits just look badass - especially when you're pulling your best Michael Caine impression while stuck in a late-summer Mongol blizzard.