Beatrice do the Watusi + style

This ain't no devilfish!
While running around town during fashion week you never know who you're going to bump into. Some = happier encounters then others, but nothing is better then running into an old friend and getting a quick rundown on what they've been up too. Back in the day when I had a store in Brooklyn we carried a line that was definitely adored by all. It was a pleasure to happen upon Sarah Welsh of Octopi. Sarah and her partner Madeline Davy are two Brooklyn girls that have the eye for structured geometric silhouettes and fabric interweaving like no other. These garments will definitely set you apart from the crowd. Timeless designs that are always cutting edge. You might recognize Madeline name from the too hot to handle band Free Blood. Check out their Spring line that is sure to get the people talking!

Of course the styles above won't be available for quite awhile, so if you are like me and dying to get your hands on some Octopi right now, then here is what you can find in stores. If you are in NY then head over to Sucre, they just got a brand new shipment in!!