Beatrice do the Watusi + surf

Stussy Surf

I do love a good studio visit. And if Shawn Stussy is involved, well, let's just say we should all pause for a couple minutes and enjoy the view. For most, the name Stussy is immediately associated with streetwear and mega collaborations. And for good reason. However, what many forget is that it all began in the shaping bay. A quiet place where the dust flurries and fiberglass sorcery became the reality of a super-brand known the world over. With the launch of a new board-only shop in Tokyo, it seems only fitting that the Citizen Kane of street-cred step back into his lab and start plowing out some handmade quad-fin rosebuds. Luckily, Shawn helps us keep a proper sense of perspective with his Ferrari earmuffs and Rolex. The smoking jazz soundtrack doesn't hurt either.Shawn Stussy at his Studio from Seth Epstein on Vimeo.[Aether]