Beatrice do the Watusi + women

You two make my heart melt
I decided to not fully cover Fashion Week this year since there are so many other platforms that give you a full inside view on what's coming down the runway.... but of course there will be a few that I wont be able to resist! Karen Walker's collections always put a smile on my face. I love her quirky prints that are always mixed with something you expect to find rummaging through an artist closet... and of course she makes the best sunglasses!!! I hear she has opened a store in her native land New Zealand.... I can only hope she will bless NYC with her presence!

Of course I have to cover a little bit of Rag & Bone, my fellow Brooklynites! This was the design duo's first season where they didn't have men's and womens wear share the runway. I must say, I think this was a good choice. The collection was the strongest I have seen it and of course every look was styled to utter perfection. Their use of plaids seems fresh instead of played out and their take on the mountain maiden has inspired me to pack on the layers and buy myself a hand muff!

Lots of knee highs on the runway, which I love.