and love history
The item I most desire for this coming Spring is a trench coat. Of course I would love for it to be a Burberry, but since I can't really afford it I will have to find myself a substitute. For all of you readers out there who have got the cash then you should be super excited about the Christopher Bailey exclusive trench for Colette. This fantastic jacket is available February 22-27, 2010 @ Colette. As for me, I will keep adoring everything Burberry and start shopping somewhere a bit more economical viable.
Christopher Baily X Colette
Beleiv'n in Burberry.
Something my little pockets can afford.
From left to right: Uniqlo, Zucca, Paul & Joe, Boy. by Band of Outsiders, London FogAll images from, La Garconne, weheartit, APC, Burberry, Refinery29, and Google